horoscopes for april 15 - april 30 (energy reading using cards -- not planets)

25 days ago

hello everyone. thought it would be fun to do a general energy reading for each sign for the next few weeks. i used to write horoscopes many years ago for a newspaper. this is a similar concept :) you may want to check your sun sign, moon sign, or rising sign. have fun!

aries: the energy showing up for you is indicating that you may feel very brokenhearted about something and take a lot of time to shut down and heal in solitude. soon after, you’ll feel like you care much less about whatever it was that was bothering you.

taurus: the energy showing up for you is indicating that you may consider leaving your current place of employment for a job that is more stable or has an increased salary.

gemini: the energy showing up for you is indicating that you may get a surprise message from a man that is likely a fire sign.

cancer: the energy showing up for you is indicating that you may spend time with a friend that is either moving or going away on a trip.

leo: the energy showing up for you is indicating that you may spend too much time partying and hiding from what you should deal with.

virgo: the energy showing up for you is indicating that suddenly you may feel like things in your life are very topsy – turvy and that changes come out of nowhere that are a bit challenging. one moment you may things are really great, and the next not so great….

libra: the energy showing up for you is indicating that you will feel like you’re waiting and waiting for someone you love to make a decision about you. you may feel like you want them to hurry up.

Scorpio: the energy showing up for you is indicating that you may feel like you’re really focused on saving your money or not spending as much as usual. you may also feel slow to act and hold back from others, not showing your cards.

Sagittarius: the energy showing up for you is indicating that you may feel like you have a very passionate connection with someone and possibly even feel like you have to make a choice between two people that you attracted to.

Capricorn: the energy showing up for you is indicating that you may feel like you’re trying to stay positive while you wait to hear from someone or wait for something in particular, meanwhile you will feel like you a bit overwhelmed and trying to be patient while you wait.

aquarius: the energy showing up for you is indicating that you will feel like a woman (no specific type of relationship, could be friend, family, romantic) in your life is not around anymore and you will feel up / down emotions about this.

pisces: the energy showing up for you is indicating that you will feel like you have seen or gotten a message from someone that surprised you. you will feel chemistry with this person, and yet something about this situation will be a bit too overwhelming and intense for you, as if there are some kind of troubles presents in regards to the situation.

hope you all enjoy these :)